Thursday, May 31, 2012

This week's Newsweek Magazine article entitled, Get Ready for Documenta, Olympics of the Art World, written by Blake Gopnik, tells the story of Germany's big art show. The art show is called Documenta, it occurs twice a decade, and is revered to be the Olympics of the art world. 
Gopnik interviewed Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, the creative director, via Skype, who has found strange urban venues to show art in, like the staircase in an old bank and other vintage Kassel buildings not normally noticed by visitors. “It’s like an exploded museum,” she says. Adding, this would be the 13th Documenta. Gopnik describes Christov-Bakergiev as being giddy to share some details of this year's venue. She reveals such artists as Julie Mehretu, animator William Kentridge, and Lawrence Wiener, the godfather of the text based art will be showing works this year. Christov-Bakergiev says, "Documenta is really about thinking through all our aesthetic, social, political, and art-historical questions."
This article was informative, as I am an artist, and never herd of Documenta. Gopnik did a great job informing anyone who is interested in art. He highlighted examples of specific trends in art that were born at the Documenta, which I feel were important. There were some points that could have been stated without sounding like a stuck-up art snob, for anyone not in the art world to appreciate, however, that was not Gopnik's fault, as he was quoting. At the bottom of the article it said to check back for live coverage, which I intend to do!>

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